Expert Off Track Repair
A garage door going off track is a fairly common problem with many modern garage doors. However, the problem is not always with the door itself but in most cases with the track. Opening and closing the garage door multiple times a day and millions of times a year wear out many parts. If the parts are not inspected and replaced in time, the garage door will go off track

Our Team Of Specialists Comes Fully Prepared To Tackle Any Problem
A Full-Service Company with an Excellent Track Record
However, apart from a broken or bent track broken springs are another reason for the garage door going off track. When the springs wear out after a while they tend to break; as a result, the door will be lopsided. Closing or opening an uneven door will cause it to go off track. Regardless of the reason, Elite Garage Door Repair provides professional garage door services at your doorstep. We’ll not just get the door back on track but will also find and remedy other issues which could cause you future inconvenience.

Failure of the Electronic Eye
Now we have come across many modern electronic doors which are otherwise designed to stay on track which have been derailed. The electronic eyes though pretty standard equipment nowadays on automatic garage doors does not guarantee that the door will not be derailed. The door may close on to an object which is unseen by the eyes. That will cause damage to the track. It is the sort of damage that we’ve seen knock a door off its rails.

Also, accidents will happen regardless of the electronic eyes for instance when a car bumps into the door, or you run into it with a lawn tractor. The force is enough to damage not just the door but also force it to go off track. Either way, it isn’t something you shouldn’t take it upon yourself to fix.

We, Will, Send a Team Right Away
When you call Elite Garage Door Repair, we will dispatch a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals. Once they arrive at your home the team will carry out the following:
• A thorough inspection. The team will thoroughly inspect the entire garage door and not just the problem area to find the best possible solution. We admit that in some cases the answer may be as simple as lifting and putting the door back on track.
• Suggest repairs. If there is damage to the rollers or associated tracks or any other part which has caused it to go off track we will suggest a fix. Plus, before we leave our team will recommend that you follow a couple of maintenance steps like lubricating and cleaning the tracks every few months.
• Explore a replacement. In some cases where the problem is very severe and can’t be repaired reliably some parts will need urgent replacing. Sometimes the garage door may also need to be replaced.
Call our Off-Track Experts Today
If your garage door is off track, then call us right away. We will have a team on its way in no time. Also, they will get directly to work on arrival!
Contact Us Now!